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Now, I know what you’re thinking and no I’m not talking about that kind of gas. Yes, outgassing is a release of any trapped gas or vapor but it’s not the same kind of gas.

What is outgassing?

Outgassing is the release of any trapped gas or vapor that was previously dissolved, frozen, or absorbed into/ onto the solid (circuit board). See, told ya totally different! When I think of outgassing, I think of a ballon releasing all its helium from extreme pressure, like being popped.

Why you should care

The effects of outgassing can impact a wide range of application areas in electronics, such as satellites, space-based equipment, and medical equipment.

In space-based equipment, released gas can condense on materials such as camera lenses, rendering them completely inoperative. The Mars rover wouldn’t be able to see!

Hospitals and other medical facilities have to get rid of materials that are effected by outgassing to maintain their sterile environments.

How Para-Coat stops it

The best way to reduce outgassing is to use a material known to give off little outgassing in the first place. Parylene is one of these materials because of one of its basic properties, pinhole-free covering.

Pct’s Parylene is some of the puremast dimer on the market. Our high quality material exceeds the micro-VCM test (ECSS-Q-70-02) of RML<1.0% and CVCM < 0.1% which means it meets NASA’s outgassing requirement and is approved for aerospace applications.

Our years of expertise along with our quality dimer (which can be purchased here) allows PCT to offer conformal coating services, across all aerospace applications, with the confidence that outgassing will not jeopardize the mission. Houston, we do not have a problem!


Parylene-coated devices are pinhole-free, insulated, and chemically/electrically stable. Encapsulated parylene coated devices perform the same even under pressurized conditions, undoubtably supporting outgassing protection.

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